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GVN (Gramya Vikas Nidhi)

Geographical Registration (GI) of 05 Products of Mizoram


The project comes under Gramya Vikas Nidhi (GVN) and 05 Mizo products - Puanrin, Puanlaisen, Thangchhuah Puan, Khumbeu & Ipte Chei (Khiangkawi Ipte) were proposed to be registered for GI under IP India. The intended benefits of the project is to save the products and increase the livelihood opportunities of the local artisans, farmers, producers and stakeholders and to provide original and best products to the consumers at national and international level, to promote socio economic conditions of the farmers and producers and to increase the number of products from Mizoram with GI registration of India.


Duration of Project - 01 year (October 2021 - October 2022)

Total Project Cost - Rs. 12,25,000/- (Rupees Twelve Lakhs Twenty Five Thousand only)

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